Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Things 'Round Here, They Are A-Changin!

We had so much fun visiting Meagan and David in Waco this weekend! Meagan and I went clothes shopping and we went to a going-out-of-business sale at a bead store!! We ate pizza at Poppa Rollo's (Nathan really dug walking through the "wall" into the secret room), we took him to the playground and the water park, we went swimming, we went to church, and we went to the circus. It was fan-tabulous!

The food was pretty good too! I will admit, I overdid it a little bit. Okay, a lot. One of the things I look forward to most when on vacation is trying a bunch of different places to eat. Our families outings have always centered around food, and when we're travelling every meal is an event. This morning, the first day back in the "real world," I was a little afraid to weigh. I was sure I had gained, and I was worried about how much. With much trepidation I finally sucked it up and stepped on the scale. I gained 1.8 pounds.

I was so surprised! After four and a half days of basically ignoring my diet I really expected to do a lot worse. When I thought about it I realized how much my eating habits have really changed over the course of my diet. I ate a lot more than I should have this weekend, but WHAT I ate was so much better than what I would have had six months ago.

I ate salad with nearly every meal and I really enjoyed it! I've caught myself actually craving salad lately. Back when I first started this, just looking at a salad bar pissed me off. I got down right grouchy when lunch time came, knowing that some stupid diet food was waiting for me. That has all changed now. As much as I LOVED the pizza at Poppa Rollo's and all of the yummy Mexican food, I think my favorite meal of the entire weekend was at Souper Salad. (They have the BEST pico de gallo!)

So overall, I look at my 1.8 pound weight gain as a success. There was a time when I would have gained that much in one meal. At the risk of sounding a little full of myself, I'm really proud of how much my eating habits have changed. Believe me, it wasn't an easy change to make, but I am truly beginning to believe that I'm worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! That is wonderful! You really do hit a point where your body starts to crave different things and your tastes change. And way to find the bright side of a tiny gain! LOL! :) So, when you coming up to Pittsburgh for a visit? :)
