Monday, June 21, 2010


That mean-kid-on-the-playground voice is back. It rode out of it's hidey-hole on a tidal wave of hormones and started mocking me as soon as I got out of bed this morning. I'm posting a gain this morning. At one point this week, I was down 53 pounds. Today, my official Monday weight loss is only 49.8 pounds. It's not the first time I've gained. I imagine the hormones combined with the big Italian Father's Day dinner we had last night are to blame, and there's a good chance I'll see a much better number on the scale tomorrow. But it sure hit me hard this morning. On top of that, it's a big ugly Monday in every sense of the word. I went to Curves this morning wearing my workout shoes. That's a big no-no. I didn't even realize I'd done it until I went over to the area where I usually change my shoes. So for the entire first half of my workout I just alternated between mentally berating myself for the gain and the shoes, and wondering what the other women were thinking of me. That girl didn't change her shoes! Get a rope. Then halfway through the circuit two ladies came in a started one machine behind me and one machine in front of me. There was only one other woman on the thing at the time and I had respectfully started on the opposite side of the circle from her. Then the other two came in and crowded me. I HATE that. It's like being in a public bathroom and someone taking the stall right next to you when there are seven other ones available. It's like someone walking into an otherwise empty elevator or movie theater and taking up residence within six inches of your personal space. They were in my bubble. The rest of the workout I was just super annoyed.

I hope the rest of my day shapes up better than my morning has so far. All I really want to do is crawl back in bed.

Screw you, diet.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Trying to Stay on Track

Hello all! (and by all, I mean my small handfull of loyal readers. lol)

Things are going well in diet-land. I'm down 52.8 pounds as of this morning. This week has been good with steady, if small, losses all week long. Last week, not so much.

Last week my lovely sister and her husband were in town. We're still the family that plans all of our activities around eating. That's just the way it is, for so many reasons. Meagan and David have a checklist of restaurants that they HAVE to visit while they're here, as I do when we go visit them. Combine that with the fact that when we all get together we're going, doing, and on the move constantly and you end up with WAAAYYYY too many fast food, barbeque, and mexican meals in one week! I don't blame them. They don't hold a gun to my head shouting, "You WILL stuff your face, Private!" It's just too much temptation to be good all the time.

On top of that, I spent the whole week putting together a baby shower for someone at my church. I spent hours baking and decorating.

You tell me. How was I supposed to resist all of that?? :)